Tugthr Update 12.1

By Tugthr on Feb 4, 2019

Hello Everyone,

As we ventures into 2019, we have big goals for Tugthr. We've stated this before, but we are making it happen now. Tugthr's code is getting cleaner, faster, and more accessible as time goes on. As we make pieces of our code better, we make continue building onto the features that are in place.

This update is no different. One of the parts of the site we felt was never that great is the profiles. So, we updated them. We are cleaning up the design, and pulling away from the general look, to an extant, that one sees often on the web. We really wanted to clean up the structure and make these pages really modern. Though, in it's current state, it isn't finished. As time continues, we will finish it but we wanted to give a taste of the approach we are taking.

With the next update, which should come next week, we will release the fix to upload profile photos and (possibly) allow the you to update your profile data right on the profile page. We hope this makes it a much better experience for all.

Please continue to look out for our updates, and continue with us on this journey!

Thank you and happy tugging,

Anthony Hathaway
CEO of Tugthr

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